E-platform: ‘ICOM for emerging artists’ in collaboration with pfeffermann Consulting and HorizonVU Music

By: Phil Cartwright

E-platform: ‘ICOM for emerging artists’

‘ICOM for emerging artists’ will be a new online communication platform, which offers innovative ICOM services for emerging artists world-wide to facilitate their new multi-art projects, their brand image/reputation, and collaborative innovation in various art and design disciplines.

This also encompasses providing business services through a professional supporting network in management/strategy, ICOM, marketing, and network management. Examples include exhibition design, publishing books, PR and event management.

To join the ‘ICOM for emerging artists’ community, institutions can register as members, for instance, art schools and universities with MFA/MBA programs in arts can register to submit proposals for art awards.

On the other hand website users can configure their individualized event planner ‘(M)Entertainer’ based on Web 3.0 e-customization services. The developed event planer will focus on the website users’ demands regarding emerging issues, concepts, and tools in arts and design.

You are interested in the multi-art project?
We welcome your inquiries at http://www.icom-capability.com/en/icomarts_en.php

HorizonVU Music celebrates the independent music community by supporting emerging musicians’ efforts to achieve a key business objective - recognition.http://www.horizonvumusic.com